Emergency contraceptive pill


This course is meant to work as a practical tip to help patient counseling at the counter.

The information is written according to the British National Healthcare Service guidelines.

For further information please contact me


Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP)

The ECP or morning-after pill is meant to be used by women to prevent pregnancy.



Pregnancy prevention

1. after unprotected sex

2. when another method of contraception failed

e.g.: condom split or forgotten intake contraceptive pill


Not effective:

. 120h after unprotected sex

. against sexually transmitted infections (STI)

. against pregnancy during the rest of your menstrual cycle


ECP effectiveness depends on how soon it is taken after sex.

It can be used up to 72h after unprotected sex but the chance of being effective is much higher when taken within 12 hours of having sex.

Effectiveness decreases as time passes...

·         95% effective if taken within 24 hours of having sex

·         85% effective if taken within 24-48 hours of having sex

·         58% effective if taken within 48-72 hours of having sex





0,75 mg x 2



Aftercare (2 tab.)

Anlitin (2 tab.)

Sexcon (2 tab.)


How to use:

1 tab = 1 tab 12h hours later (2 tabs within 72h after unprotected relation)


            Who can and who cannot take it?



. women over 16 years old

refer to doctor if younger,

. breastfeeding women

just non harmful small amounts of hormone might pass into breast milk,

. women who cannot usually use hormonal contraception

like combined pills or patches,

. be taken more than once during your menstrual cycle

but is not intended to be a regular form of contraception,



. pregnant women

because there's no evidence baby development harm,

because there's a risk increase of ectopic pregnancy when taken right before becoming pregnant.

So refer to doctor in this case!



. women taking anti-epiletic drugs

. women under HIV or tuberculosis treatment

. women using St. John's Wort as supplement

Those medicines reduce ECP effectiveness.


After ECP...

. Vomit:

vomiting within 3h after taking ECP may mean that it has not been fully absorbed! Advise to take a second ECP.


. Common side effects:

abdominal pain



irregular menstrual bleeding (spotting or heavy bleeding) before your next period is due

. Refer to doctor:

period is more than 7 days late

period is too short or too light

sudden strong pain in lower abdomen

ECP can be used by women:

- taking combined oral contraceptive pills

- taking progestogen-only contraceptive pills

- using contraceptive vaginal rings

- using contraceptive patches



When to restart the regular contraceptive after ECP:

Advise to take next contraceptive pill, insert new ring or apply new patch within 12 hours after ECP.

Advise to continue taking regular contraceptive pill as normal.

Stress additional contraception, such as condoms, is required for the next seven days.